Летние каникулы

How I spent the summer. I really had fun this summer, at the beginning of June, I ucherdno do math, and when he finally passed the exam started this summer. I was walking with friends, reviewed all the new movies in June, has played many times in bowling.
Proceed to the second month of summer — July. We proceed by July. In July, I went to the country in the swifts to friends where we lived with my mother for three days. We swam in the river, sunbathe and relax. On arrival at the Kirov, we have traveled to the river, watching the July new items to the movies, go to a cafe, walking around the store. July flying is not noticeable.
Finally, the third month of summer — August. Since the beginning of August, I began to prepare for the upcoming new school year. But the opportunities to have fun, too, I did not miss, on this first day of August, I went with a friend to the cinema for the premiere of the new film.
In August, just have all the friends and including me and Elena Mikhailovna birthday! It was necessary to choose a gift to congratulate your friends, family and acquaintances.
Just had to celebrate your birthday I invited classmates to her house, we had grilled kebabs and went swimming in the pool.
Already in the 25th of the items I purchased shkolnopismennymi and covers for textbooks. And on August 30, a meeting with the headmasters. And there already started preparations for the turslety.
But that nemenee this year we have extended vacation on a particular day as a day of festive line sostayalas the second of September.
Thank you for your attention :)
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